Our Name
It was Christmas time, and as the restaurant concept was taking shape, Damon and Mari were yet to arrive at a name. Mari’s sister Mona was visiting and she was talking about the German tradition of hiding a pickle in a tree~ a “Christmas pickle” and while Damon was on the computer, he started to look up the origins of the word “pickle.”
As with many names, there is a litany of origin stories, and as Damon spent the better part of a week researching, the basic concept arrived: a “pikel” is a sauce that is used on meat.
(Damon can absolutely wax poetic about this topic, just please be respectful of his first priority: the kitchen, please.)
Dressing a pig in a vinegar based sauce, (a “pikel”) is exactly what BBQ is. Unlike the origins of BBQ, lesser cuts of meat were smoked for hours to tenderize… Pig in a Pickle prides itself on using only the finest cuts of meat for its product.
So, clearly, a pig anywhere near a BBQ place would definitely be in a pickle: a challenging or uncomfortable situation. (Cute version.) But, the literal concept is: It is a meat that is dressed in sauce.
And what a phenomenal “pig in a pikel,” Pig in a Pickle serves, indeed!